Why women don't speak?

The first thing we have to do is understand the term woman. Wo-man =?
According to Genesis, God created man in his image and created woman from man's flesh. This is the reason why we signify female with the term "woman". Is it the major reason behind the thought that women are weaker than men?  Is it the main reason behind the suppression of women?

The second reason is the first disobedience of man(Adam). A woman was the first that believed to repented the sin. Eve insisted Adam to eat the fruit of knowledge. Therefore, is it the reason behind the domination of man over woman.

Do you all ever think that why do men suppress women ? Is it because they know that they know that women are the real creator of the world? Is it because they know that the future of the world or whole mankind lives in the body of women?

I think that this could be the reason because men know that they are not the real creator of the world. They don't want to expose it. They don't want that women should be aware of their inner self or rights.

The major question is "why women don't speak?". Is it because they have no sound or nothing to speak. NO, it is not the reason behind their silence. Women are the biggest enemy of women because they suffer, sacrifice, compromise to their inner self. This is the time to change it.

" Single drop of change can't change the ocean of social norms but many drops can give the way to the river of new world."- SKS  


  1. I really don't Lyk this thinking that man is the head of the family... He has to dominate olways woman, in reality he doesn't know that he only is a creation of woman...


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