Education System in India

Education System In India

"Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man" - Swami Vivekananda

According to Sawami Vivekananda, education is a process of manifestation that constructs the perfection which already exists in human being. Indian Education system or School education system prepares students to participate in a race which has no any end. We are living in the era of competition which is itself imagery.  
Probably, the race has destroyed the human virtue of the students. 

Each second, we produce machines who can remember such data and function certain task. My question is – Where are the values which should be imparted in the students?
The Indian school education produces students like machines for such competitions like NEET or JEE Mains. Education should be as “sanjeevani buti” which can give us the energy or the light to live our life in the light of truth. Our school education system needs to improve as soon as possible. If it doesn’t, then our end is near and we can’t even predict it.

All the schools in India should develop a curriculum through which we can flourish the humanity first. I have visited many schools of urban area as well as rural area. I think the education system needs to be revised or reform according to the need of the time. The major reason for this default in the education system is the training of teachers. We can find enormous number of institutes who provides the training of teachers and it is all money - making business. There was a time when India was the "guru" of whole world but what happen now?
We are studying for getting work in MNC. The idea behind the education is not only capitalist. Education is not just training. It is beyond of that. The education is the Ganga of thoughts in which we all want to dive but we all know that Ganga, herself is not safe from the dirt. 

Sunil Kumar Sah


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