The Dream


I like most to see the sunset because it shows the bond between earth and sun.  When I was in my village, I was fond of dreaming and walking on the bank of river which flows near to my home. My grandmother advised me that I should not go towards river in mid time and sunset timing. But I liked the sunset when sun meets earth. When I walked parallel to the river then my mind met with heart and this gave me a beautiful dream. It was my past time and I loved it mostly.
Once upon a time, I was walking on the bank of the river. It was raining. I was absorbed in the drops of love with the nature. The drops of rain were touching my heart and my mind was not with me.  I was not in my control. I was not on the earth. It seemed that I am in the sky and blowing in the air.
Suddenly, my heart said to open my eyes and I opened my eye. The rays of my eyes touched the visually fragrance of a girl who was also enjoying rain on the bank of river. She was looking like a blue rose. I stopped at that time. I was attracting to her beauty. There was no any difference between her hair and clouds. She saw me and smiled. After an hour, she went to the river.
From that day, I usually went to the river and imagined that she will come again. It was my regular activity. I usually spent two or three hours in waiting for her. Once day, I thought that I should enjoy the sunset on the boat. Then I asked to my grandmother for permission but she said, “Stop living in the dreams, face the reality”. I smiled and ran away from my home.
It was finest evening. The birds were chirping and singing. The river was also singing. It was nature’s music which is the loveliest music ever. I saw her again. She sat on the sand. I tried my best to stop me but I could not stop my heart. I went to her and said, “The red rose cannot compare to you itself. Your eyes are so lovely”. She stared to me and went away.
It was next day. I was writing about her. She came towards me and took my notebook. She smiled and started running. I followed her but she hid and said, “I want to read it”. I said no but she started reading….
“ You are a lotus of pink colour on the mud of all the vain ideology of beauty. Your black eyes are looking like the universe of darkness in which I want to blow as a soulless leaf of the tree. I know that you are a shadow in the light of moon which is visible, close to me but not reachable to me. When I look you then I forget myself, I forget the whole world. I wait to your eyes which touché the invisible sign of my soul, terrifies me about myself. So please, stop me from blowing in your dreams.  Dream, yes you are a dream, a mirage which seems to be but reality is different from the dream. When I see moon and stars, I think that they all are parts of your bright eyes. Your eyes have lots of universe like this. Moon light becomes quilt for me when I dream you. You are my princess”.
She laughed and kissed me. After that she went away to the river. I came to my home with a different smile.   My grandmother asked me that where I was from three hours then I said nothing and went to my room.
Next day, I asked her name but she said nothing. I tried to touch her hair but she stopped me and said, “If you will touch me then I will disappear”. I got confused and she again went away to the river. Once a day, I decided to touch her hair. I went towards the river. The flowers were glooming in the evening. She was in the pink saree. She was plucking flowers. I went towards her and looked in her eyes. Before I touched her hair, she said to me, “I am going to my world. So good bye and don’t worry, I will always in your heart”. I astonished by hear it. I tried to stop her but she was going to the river. At the last, she turned back and kissed me.  After that, she disappeared to me. I was yelling loudly like a mad person. She flew like wind.
I came to my home. I was sad. I started listening music most of time. I searched her near to my home and village. But I failed to find her. At the last, I again went to the river. Then I saw her in the sky. She was smiling. I understood that she was just a dream, a illusion which touched my heart and went away. But she was really most beautiful in the world.


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