Do we celebrate Woman's day ?

Do we celebrate Woman's day ? 

Today, the whole world is celebrating Woman's day. Do you ever think that why do we celebrate woman's day. Never, you never thought about it. The world is centered by money, properties and race. There is no any place of social problem in our daily routine. Yes, I am talking about male's monopoly over the woman. 

                             Who says that woman needs empowerment ? She is already god-gifted. She needs nothing except love and care. You know what is the crucial problem of our society. Our society does not want to free woman because they know that if they will give freedom to woman then the woman can overcome by man's monopoly.

                                                        Who is responsible for all these ? yes, off- course , we are responsible for these because we make a male baby to think that he is superior than female child. According to Sigmund Freud psychoanalytical theory of male and female sexuality, the female child wants penis while she has vagina. Freud also says that the male child attracts towards his mother because of the sexual difference. I am not going to explain the Freud theory of psychoanalytical study of sexuality. I want to say that we, our family convey the male child that he is superior than the woman. 
             In a family, if there are two children- one of them is male child and one is girl child. The family love more to male child because he will be their candle of the family. In India, we need to change our mindset. Many of us say that girls should not wear shorts or top because these type of wearings show the body of girl. What the kind of mentality is this? 

You can't control the woman's soul. They have the power to create a world. Hence, we need to be aware about the position of the woman in our society. 

At the last, 
respect Woman,

Happy Woman's Day  8 March 2018

by Sunil kumar sah  


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