Gulliver’s   travels  satrizes  the  form  of  the  travel narrative,  a  popular  literary  genre type  started  with  RICHARD HAKLUYT’S  in 1589  and  the  experienced  immence popularity  in  18th  century  England through best selling diaries and first person accounts by explorer such as captain JAMES COOK.

In the first part of Gulliver’s Travels a voice to Lilliput, Gulliver narrates human creature who are six inches high. Apart from the height of Lilliputians, they are amazing
     “When in an instant I felt above and hundred arrows discharge on my left hand, which pricked me like so many needles and beside, they shot another flight in to the air, as we do Bombs in Europe”                                                 (Part 1 Ch 1)

In the part second of Gulliver’s travel a voyage to Brobdingnag, Gulliver’s describes human creature who are very big in hight. On the land of Brobdingnag, All the things are Big in size but apart from the big height of them, they are especially the farmer who takes Gulliver as his pet is very pleased with him.

In the early 18th century, Britain’s political atmosphere underwent a dramatic shift. While queen anne sat on  the throne from 1665 to 1714, the tory party was in favour and dominated polites with their converjative agenda of minimize parliamentary power and increase royal authority. Yet when king george I took power in 1714 , the dynamies shifted and the liberal with party, the converjative tory pary opponents,p gained interaction England politics, pushing tories out of promininence.
One of these tories was Jonathan Swift and parts of Gullivers travels(lilliput) satrize the whigs and tories struggles against each other.

Gullivers relation with the Lilliputian Empire pass through three stages, all operative within the framework of  “fundamental human vitalities. The first stage presents his arrival on the island and his imprisonment by the Lilliputian, the second his release to liberty and his consequent involvement in the struggle between lilliput and blefuscu. The third, his alienation from the Lilliputians his sentence to blindness and starvation, and his subsequent escape island. These three stages correspond in turn with the following three phases of political cycle.
  • Individual vs State
  • Individual and State vs a common adversary
  • Individual vs State once again
Within all three phases are integraly involved with there evolution are many amplifying degration illustrative of the human vitalities which they turn.

In the first Gulliver also describes the relation between an individual and monarchy. The Queen of Lilliput refusal to utilize those rooms polluted by Gullivers urine is meant to parallel not Anne attitude to the peace of Utrecht, but the attitude of the Hanoverians Queen Anne was pleased with the outcome of the war of the Spanish succession. She approved all the negotians. So in the voice of  Lilliput Gullivers critize the political climate England in a voice to Brobdingnag Swift adopts the old country idealogy in opposition to Walpole and all he stood for. Swifts polities have been complicated unnecessary by his apartment change of party 1710. And the other end of the book, Gullivers flight to Blefuscu to escape the remoured punishment about to break upon him can be readily expland as an allusion to Bollingbrokes premature departure for france and the country jamsIII at st. German soon after the  accession of George I.

When Gulliver says undoubtly philospers are in the right, when they tell us that nothing is great or little otherwise then by comparison. He suggest that we can’t compare someone to others because everyone unique himself. In boyles view man is still and ungovernable animal, ruled by self love, given over to evil in comparably more than too good. The slight glimmering of the reason which has being left him usually worsted in the fight against the passions, his only hope apart from utilitarian virtue, being divine grace. This view critizes the government of England.


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