
Showing posts from January, 2018

Niccolò Machiavelli - 'The Prince'

Niccolò Machiavelli Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli   (3 May 1469 – 21 June 1527) was an Italian Renaissance historian, politician, diplomat, philosopher,   humanist , and writer. He has often been called the founder of modern   political science .He was for many years a senior official in the   Florentine Republic , with responsibilities in diplomatic and military affairs. He also wrote comedies, carnival songs, and poetry. His personal correspondence is renowned in the Italian language . Machiavelli is best known for writing The Prince, a handbook for unscrupulous politicians that inspired the term "Machiavellian" and established its author as the "father of modern political theory." 'The Prince' Though it was initially a dark period for his career, Machiavelli's time away from politics gave him the opportunity to read Roman history and to write political treatises, most notably The Prince. The main theme of this short work about monarc

The ideas of nation through the " The Dog Of Tewal " and "A chronicals of peacocks"

The ideas of nation through the " The Dog Of Tewal " and "A chronicals of peacocks"            The Dog Of Tewal was first published in 1919 in Urdu. The story is remarkable in the sense that it is ironic comment on the division between the people of Pakistan and India as a legacy of partition. Here a dog is a helpless victim of events too shocking and disturbing for the readers to understand. The Indian and Pakistani soldiers make friendship with this dog. Thinking it to be dog of the enemy, they shoot it in jest. The story personifies the senseless animosity that smaulders beneath the surface of the lives of the two communities. The Pakistani soldiers name the innocent dog as their country's martyr , whereas the Indians name his death as the death of a dog.                                                                                                                             In A chronicles of peacock, Written in 1999, the story recounts the journey


THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF LIFE AND DEATH OF DR. FAUSTUS comm only referred to Dr. faustus is a play written by the most brilliant and successful plawright of Elizabethan era, CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. He is one of the greatest dramatists in the Renaissance period because of the invention of English blank verse and the creation of English tragedy and through ''Dr. Faustus''' he brings the second major change in the history of early dramatic devils, the first being the protestant reformation.Dr. Faustus is a story of a great scholar having lofty ambitions from becoming the emperor of whole world to decode all the universe's mysteries. This soaring ambitions and pride witness the wrath of god and brings him eternal damnation .In this play Marlowe has very well  portrayed a world of desires and aspirations decorated with repentence and the theme of despair. Dr. Faustus is a man of boundless aspirations and swollen  with the pride The Renaissance thirst of knowledge is e

So, finally I got you

So finally I got you The last year Became last month The last month Became last day The last day Became last hour The last hour Became last minute The last minute Became last second The last minute Became last moment From this peak of moment I got you So, finally I got you

Stop there, no more

The paths are unaware The streets are also deserted The haze is haze all around How do i recognize To my destination Now this is what I say to myself Stop there, no more Long ago I lost you Lost myself In this unknowingly crowd In an unknown world How to find myself Now this is what I say by myself Stop there, no more Says The name of escape is life Which has no floor Neither existed nor recognized In this unknown part When i am running Now this is what I say by myself Stop there, no more

थम जा , अब और नहीं

थम जा , अब और नहीं रास्ते अनजान हैं गलियां भी सुनसान है चारो तरफ धुंध ही धुंध है कैसे पहचानू मैं अपनी उस मंजिल को अब तो बस यही कहना है अपने आप से थम जा, अब और नहीं बहुत पहले ही मै तुम्हें खो चूका हु खो चूका हु अपने आप को इस अनजाने भीड़ में अनजानी दुनिया में कैसे ढूँढू अपने आप को अब तो बस यही कहना है अपने आप से थम जा , अब और नहीं कहते है, भागने का नाम जिंदगी है जिसकी ना कोई मंजिल है ना ही कोई वजूद इस अनजानी भागदौड़ में कब से दौड़ रहा हु मैं अब तो बस यही कहना है अपने आप से थम जा , अब और नहीं

Shakespeare’s PLOT STRUCTURE of Antony and Cleopatra: An  Analysis with Historical Perspective

Shakespeare’s PLOT STRUCTURE of Antony and Cleopatra : An   Analysis with Historical Perspective The relationship between Egypt and Rome in Antony and Cleopatra is central to understanding the plot, as the dichotomy allows the reader to gain more insight into the characters, their relationships, and the ongoing events that occur throughout the play. Shakespeare emphasizes the differences between the two nations with his use of language and literary devices, which also highlight the different characterizations of the two countries by their own inhabitants and visitors. Literary critics have also spent many years developing arguments concerning the "masculinity" of Rome and the Romans and the "femininity" of Egypt and the Egyptians. In traditional criticism of Antony and Cleopatra, “Rome has been characterized as a male world, presided over by the austere Caesar, and Egypt as a female domain, embodied by a Cleopatra who is seen to be as abundant, leaky, and c

वो तेरा यूं मुस्कुराना

वो तेरा यूं मुस्कुराना   तेरी उन बातों का तो जवाब नहीं  जिनके लहज़े में वो समां बँधा था।  वो तेरा आँखों से ही बहुत कुछ कह जाना, वो तेरा हवाओं जैसे इतराना, अगर ये दुनिया थम जाती  तो मैं उन लम्हो को कैद कर लेता  पर क्या करे  तेरी उन अदाओं का  आज भी मेरे सामने वही तस्वीर है  और  वो तेरा मुस्कुराना।

आख़िर क्यों ?

क्यों मैं उन बातों को याद करके खो जाता हूँ उस वक्त के किनारे पे, जिसके फलक पे, मेरी किस्मत का अंजाम लिखा था | क्यों मै उन्हीं लम्हों के बंधन में उलझ जाता हूँ जो उन ठंडी हवाओं के साथ मेरे उन ख़ामोशियों के साथ मुझमे ही क़ैद रह गये थे | आख़िर क्यों मैं अभी भी उसी वक्त के किनारे पे , उन्हीं ख़ामोशियों के साथ, उसी जगह पर खड़ा हु आख़िर क्यों ????????????

The Shift from the real to imaginative to imaginary in poem “Tintern Abbey” (first verse paragraph)

The   first   verse   paragraph   of   the   poem Tintern   Abbey presents   a significant   shift   from   the   real   to   imaginative   to   imaginary. “Five years have past; five summers, with the length / Of   five   long   winters! and   again   I   hear” (lines 1-2, Tintern Abbey) The   first   line   of the poem   does not express only the gap   of   five   years   between 1793-1798   but the gap of five years   also indicates   his suffering   from   the French revolution   (1789)   and Reign of   terror   (1793-1794)   .    The narrator   has   returned   to   Tintern   Abbey   after   five   years.   According   to   Harold   Bloom, “ the   exclamation   mark   of   the   second   line   indicates   the   surprise   of   the   overwhelming   sense   of   the   past.” 1   The   narrator   has   returned   to   the   landscape   of   Tintern   Abbey   with   certain   hopes and desires. He   hopes   that   the   landscape   will   provide   him   the absolute   s