The ideas of nation through the " The Dog Of Tewal " and "A chronicals of peacocks"

The ideas of nation through the " The Dog Of Tewal " and "A chronicals of peacocks"

The Dog Of Tewal was first published in 1919 in Urdu. The story is remarkable in the sense that it is ironic comment on the division between the people of Pakistan and India as a legacy of partition. Here a dog is a helpless victim of events too shocking and disturbing for the readers to understand. The Indian and Pakistani soldiers make friendship with this dog. Thinking it to be dog of the enemy, they shoot it in jest. The story personifies the senseless animosity that smaulders beneath the surface of the lives of the two communities. The Pakistani soldiers name the innocent dog as their country's martyr , whereas the Indians name his death as the death of a dog.
In A chronicles of peacock, Written in 1999, the story recounts the journey of the protagonist through landscapes atones familiar and alien. In this journey , he comes across many voices; predominant among them are the peacocks and duck who' too seem to be in an exile. The story abounds in various myths and parables from Hindu mythology . here the ancient and the modern coincide. The narrator begins the story of a news item when he heard that India had tested an atomic bomb an the explosion frightened the peacocks so much that they flew away screaming into the sky and scattered in all directions. Then he remembers that on a personal visit to the city of jaypur a few years ago , he saw groups of peacocks perching camly , peacefully and elegantly on the tops of trees , rocks and hills.
In The dog of Tewal, the writer expresses the idea of nation. Man to in this story wants to emphasis that the so called national boundaries carved out by the politicians are quit illogical. The territory of a country can be decided, but the division of its people who have the same culture, is unnatural and contrary to the laws of common heritage. Both the Pakistani an hindustani soldiers have the same culture, they speak the same language , their language, their mode of dress, their ancient heritage is quite similar. Basically they belong to same nation. Their blood stream is the same. They had been sharing their since centuries. But when senseless animosity takes its birth , they begin to doubt their integrity of even a dog who is neither Hindustani nor Pakistani. Man made boundaries are always artificial and will never last . sooner or later they will wither away. They create unnecessary animosities between the people. And the violence they give rise to is quite senseless and meaningless. The result is that the innocent , like the dog suffer and meet their death. In all confrontation and strikes it is only the innocents who have to pay the price for the enemity of the two communities.
In A chroncals of peacock , the writer constructs the idea of nation. he critically analyses the news of testing an atomic bomb. So it constructs the idea National environment. What did the Mahabharata war give to mankind? Only a desolate picture of devastation and destruction. The war mongers are at large every where. They are bent upon destroying mankind. Ashwathamas are born and reborn since the time he received a curse from sri Krishna. His curse will remain forever over the human psyche for more than three thousand years. War brings in its train environmental degradation, destruction of women's wombs annihilation of fauna and flora and barrenness of soil. When war starts, reason takes its wings and man becomes mad. Everyone has to pay a heavy price. Even the most intelligent and knowledgeble leaders lose their tranquility of mind. The result is that the innocents have to suffer for years to come for wrong decision taken by the writer in Morenama, has served its purpose. It has made the idea of nation.
So it has the idea of nation.



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