THE TRAGICAL HISTORY OF LIFE AND DEATH OF DR. FAUSTUS commonly referred to Dr. faustus is a play written by the most brilliant and successful plawright of Elizabethan era, CHRISTOPHER MARLOWE. He is one of the greatest dramatists in the Renaissance period because of the invention of English blank verse and the creation of English tragedy and through ''Dr. Faustus''' he brings the second major change in the history of early dramatic devils, the first being the protestant reformation.Dr. Faustus is a story of a great scholar having lofty ambitions from becoming the emperor of whole world to decode all the universe's mysteries. This soaring ambitions and pride witness the wrath of god and brings him eternal damnation .In this play Marlowe has very well  portrayed a world of desires and aspirations decorated with repentence and the theme of despair. Dr. Faustus is a man of boundless aspirations and swollen  with the pride The Renaissance thirst of knowledge is evident in DR. FAUSTUS , he wants to grasp up all human knowledge and unlimited powers which he will get through the former.
In Act 1 scene 1 Faustus appears baffled regarding the subject to choose for further studies. he initially thinks of theology but he has already attained proficiency in that subject. Then he thinks of medicine and law but refuse to study those  too because medicine will not bring him  victory over the death and law suits only money- minded peoples. In his view lawyers exploit public by demanding hefty money for their cases. then after concluding pros and cons of all the subjects he decided to pursue magic as a subject because this can fulfill all his aspirations of knowledge and power. This shows the sheer aspiration in him for the gaiety and voluptuous pleasures. he wants to grasp up full tree of knowledge. His lofty ambitions and pride owing to comparison with Icarus who had to face heaven's wrath because he tried to overreach human limitations.
his towering desires to acquire all the human knowledge leads him to sign the bond with the prince of hell, Lucifer. He thinks that this is his choice to sell his soul but that was the choice of the hell  who always on looking for the persons who blaspheme god. Thereafter signing the bond  he got the services of Mephostophilis. This signing of contract has been presented in such a grand way that elucidate the importance of this event.This deal is the instigation of event leading condemnation of faustus's soul forever.
His deceptive visions of the future has made him blind and this 24 years of Mephostophilis service is appearing to him , a boon which is making him immortal . The playwright, Christopher Marlowe has presented this in such a exaggerating dramatizes way and from here , his tragical damnation started.
The possession of Mephostophilis service instilled into faustus a great uncuttable pride which pumped up his wishes and he travelled around the planets in a dragon chariot to understand the cosmologies . Here Marlowe has played a mockery regarding Faustus desires as before signing of the bond he had mighty hopes of winning the whole world ,understand the root science behind the origin of universe but ends up playing cheap pranks on Pope and Knight.

The playwright of "Dr. Faustus" Christopher Marlowe dramatises a world  in which man's aspiration to knowledge and power is tragically doomed from the start. Through Dr. Faustus Marlowe has tried to provide an example that the man having aspirations crossing human limitations, can bring him pain and tormentation through out his life . A man must act within the limitations of humans decided by the heaven because any temerity can bring harmful results.the damnation of faustus has been started from His first meeting with the mephostophilis but he avoids the truth of heavenly joys and let himself tempted by the pleasure and worldly joys which are just for the temptation and to entrap peoples into the shackes of demon. A cautionary fable gives us a moral lesson in the end and warns us against committing mistakes by learning from the characters. But when Dr. Faustus ends, it does not leave readers feeling that justice has been done ( the way a cautionary fable works) Instead , we are left feeling sympathy for faustus when he is begging for forgiveness in the end. This is not how a typical cautionary fable should make us feel. In this way , it is different and in this play Marlowe has presented a world  in which man's aspiration to knowledge and power is doomed . It means `that Faustus's tragedy is brought upon himself by imagining himself to be more powerful than god , that he can surpass divinity itself, through magic.He is not humble.It also shows that a man as intelligent and powerful as Faustus can also be brought down if he aspires to be more than human . He should stay within the limits of morality.
thanks for reading it .


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